100 individuals across Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines will undergo a four-week GrabForGood x NAS Academy Creator Course on scriptwriting, production and publishing.
- 200 original videos on untold stories of micro and small entrepreneurs in the region will be produced and with selected videos being amplified on NAS Daily and Grab’s social platforms.
Grab and NAS Academy, the training and development arm of NAS Daily will roll out a GrabForGood x NAS Academy Creator Course to identify and groom 100 budding content creators across Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines.
The programme aims to uncover stories of Southeast Asia and provide a platform for micro and small business owners, including Grab driver- and delivery-partners, to share their experiences in adapting to the new normal.
Under the course designed and conducted by NAS Academy instructors, the 100 selected participants will get to hone their skills in scriptwriting, video filming and editing, as well as publishing.
During the course, they will get personal feedback on their content from the trainers, as well as access to a virtual digital lab where they can get live feedback and tech support.
200 videos will be produced by the participants, with a focus on how Grab’s partners have demonstrated resilience, and adjusted during this challenging period.
“This year, we were inspired by stories of so many individuals and businesses in our community, who have shown grace, grit and ingenuity as they come together to help one another and fight to adapt to the new normal.
Through this partnership with NAS Academy, we’d like to shine a light on these amazing people and innovative small businesses, while sharing their stories to spread more positivity and hope,” shared Cheryl Goh, group vice president of marketing, Grab.
“NAS Daily started with a mission to tell stories about people, and we want to be a force for good in the communities we operate in.
“However, we are aware of individuals who may not have access to resources to become content creators who can tell stories about their communities.
“By partnering with Grab, we are able to democratise storytelling with a structured programme, as well as provision to mentorship and resources to interested individuals.
“We hope that this partnership can help participants realise their dreams of becoming content creators who can make an impact in their respective communities,” said Nuseir Yassin, Founder of NAS Academy.
Selected videos created from this programme will be hosted on Grab and NAS Daily’s social platforms with some eight million followers, providing these budding creators additional platforms to grow their portfolio.
At the end of the four-week course, all graduates will be inducted into the GrabForGood Fellows alumni, where Grab and NAS Academy representatives will continue to engage them for mentorship and video creation opportunities.
The graduates will also have access to trainers, exclusive stories, resources and perks from Grab, and a library of copyright free music to help them continue with their video production journey for a six-month period after graduation.
The programme is open for application to all budding content creators, including Grab’s driver-and delivery-partners who are interested in honing their video production skills.
Interested individuals can submit their application via NAS Academy website starting 14 Dec 2020.
Application closes on 28 Dec 2020.
For more information, visit nas.academy/grabforgood – GRAB PRESS CENTRE