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Tan Sri Azman Hashim To Retire As Ambank Chairman End-March This Year

AMMB Holdings Bhd chairman and board member Tan Sri Azman Hashim will retire on March 31, 2022, after the end of the banking group’s financial year.

In a statement, AmBank Group said Azman will continue to contribute as chairman emeritus and honorary advisor upon his retirement and will remain as a major shareholder of the group.

“I am honoured to have led this group over the last 40 years.

“It has been a rewarding experience, particularly my journey working alongside AmBankers as well as the many Malaysians who have trusted our group for the past four decades.

“To me, this is not just the AmBank Group, it is family. Our group has grown over the years, and our success cannot be attributed to one person alone. I am pleased to be able to pass a formidable group to my future successor,” Azman said.

Azman continues to hold the position of chairman in multiple entities, including the Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers, Asian Banking School Sdn Bhd, Financial Industry Collective Outreach (FINCO), Malaysia South-South Corporation Bhd and Malaysia-Japan Economic Association.

“The AmBank Group conveys its deepest appreciation and gratitude to Tan Sri Azman Hashim for his vision, his steady leadership and his unwavering dedication,” it said.

AmBank Group said Azman had helmed the group through multiple shifts, both globally and locally, be it the economic crisis Malaysia faced in the 1980s triggered by the high-interest rates in the US, the Asian Financial Crisis in the 1990s and the global financial crisis, which impacted Malaysia circa 2008 and 2009. – NST ONLINE

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